Thursday, October 20, 2011

PressTV - Radiation found in San Francisco, CA tap water

U.C. Berkley reported San Francisco rainwater 18,100% above safe radiation levels. (April 4 article). Please buy a water filtration unit.

PURE EFFECTS ULTRA removes radio-isotopes & fluoride

Please be sure to FILTER your drinking
removes fluoride and radioisotopes
like those from Fukushima.

Both Inline and Countertop versions are available. I'm using the countertop version and can attest to it's fluoride removal efficacy.

Safeguard & Revitalize your Drinking Water!  Click Here

UPDATE: The cheaper one or two-filter units will now remove radio-isotopes with the Zeolite filter, but may not reduce fluoride. This is still better than nothing and therefore worth checking out.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Radiation plane Tokyo to LAX 3

The background radiation reading at the start of this flight shows 2.5 μSv/hr radiation above Fukushima. 2 hours before reaching LA however, at 39,000 feet, it shows 5.33 μSv/hr (HIGHLY DANGEROUS). Upon landing in LA, the reading drops to approx. 0.19 μSv/hr (Normal background radiation). This indicates there is a radiation cloud high above the Pacific West Coast. People are safe as long as it doesn't rain. If it does, please take shelter, filter your air and especially your drinking water.

Saturday, October 8, 2011