Friday, April 26, 2013

Breast Cancer May Be No Match For This FARMaceutical

The Truth About What's Really In Flu Shots

Why You Should Drink Lemon Water In The Morning

Roundup, An Herbicide, Could Be Linked To Parkinson's, Cancer And Other Health Issues, Study Shows

Six supplements that could make a difference when exposed to bioterrorism or other poison agents

9 Shocking Facts About Smoking

The Grocery Store Blacklist: 12 Food Companies to Avoid (and 95 Sneaky Aliases)

New research: Eat grapes to reduce body-wide inflammation and organ damage

Cancer Doctors Protest 'Astronomical' Drug Costs

Russians Proving That Small-Scale, Organic Gardening Can Feed the World

Raw Food Recipes

Bees “restored to health” in Italy after this spring’s neonicotinoid-free maize sowing

Monday, April 22, 2013

24-yr-old Rejects Chemo, Curing Brain Cancer with Cannabis Oil

"24-year-old Kristina Marie was diagnosed with a brain tumor and given a death sentence by establishment doctors. She decided to reject chemotherapy and treat herself with Rick Simpson’s hemp oil instead. After three MRI’s her tumors have shrunk considerably"

Modern Wheat a Perfect Chronic Poison says Dr. William Davis - CBS News

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Study: Caffeine harms glucose metabolism in type-2 diabetics

"Researchers from Duke University have conducted several studies into the effects of caffeine on people with type 2 diabetes... {they} found that while caffeine did not affect fasting levels of glucose or insulin response, it did worsen diabetic symptoms after the meal compared with the placebo. When taken with food, caffeine increased blood levels of insulin by 48 percent and increased blood sugar by 21 percent relative to the placebo... For people with diabetes, drinking coffee or consuming caffeine in other beverages may make it harder for them to control their glucose."

Suzanne Somers Refused Chemotherapy and Healed Cancer Naturally

Why Japan banned MMR vaccine - Daily Mail

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Australian journalist wins prestigious award for exposing flu vaccine scandal

Further related info:
* Diseases were already in decline thanks to improved diet and sanitation well before the introduction of vaccines. I'm not against immunization, especially through natural means (for chickenpox etc), but disagree with having aluminium, mercury or formaldehyde injected directly into the blood stream. That's why heroin is so dangerous - it's injected directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the body's natural defenses. The negative effects of vaccine may not always be noticeable in the short term, so always check the ingredients.

* Autism recovery from "changing the diet, giving vitamins and supplements and detoxing the body from metals" etc.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Lipsticks that contain lead

This is no longer an "urban legend". The "FDA Analyses of Lead in Lipsticks" mentions some of the brands with the levels of lead from highest to lowest. Maybelline has 7.19 ppm of lead. The new limit is 10 ppm:
From CBS News:
From The Washington Post:
According to the W.P. article, 10 ppm is meant to be the limit but they don't say anything about the 7ppm (Maybelline) being cumulative over time. Users probably best stick with the ones at the lower end of the FDA list in my opinion. This ABC news one is quite good too:

Parents hope photo of fatal text serves as warning

Rupert Sheldrake - The Science Delusion BANNED TED TALK

The above talk may explain what the guy is doing in the video below, especially at 1:50 - The laws of physics don't explain how the paper catches fire with him barely touching it, unless you take 'chi' (internal energy applied through willpower) into consideration. The ability for internal 'willpower' energy to affect the physical world makes no sense under the allegedly immutable Laws of Newtonian Physics, but it makes a lot more sense under Quantum theory:

Vaccine pioneer admits adding cancer-causing virus to Vaccine

Thursday, January 3, 2013