Wednesday, November 28, 2012

FOOD MATTERS documentary

Really great documentary on Nutrition - only 78 mins. - viewable for free here until Friday. I urge everyone to watch it.

Shock study: Mammograms a medical hoax, over one million American women maimed by unnecessary 'treatment' for cancer they never had

Also check:

"...we estimated that breast cancer was overdiagnosed (i.e., tumors were detected on screening that would never have led to clinical symptoms) in 1.3 million U.S. women in the past 30 years. We estimated that in 2008, breast cancer was overdiagnosed in more than 70,000 women; this accounted for 31% of all breast cancers diagnosed."

Monday, November 26, 2012

Now with Vitamin E

" Hypoallergenic Shapeshifting Lizard Skin Cream, for the hard-working reptilian overlord who wants to crush the human race AND look great. Revitalise dry cracked scales with the nutrifying formula, penetrating your watertight, abrasive epidermis with vitamin-enriched micro-molecules. Never again spend hours removing crusty nodules from your armoured eyelids or sandblasting your segmented underbelly. Instead, spend your life-cycle on the things that really matter to you: eating babies, manipulating financial markets and basking on rocks in the warm glow of Earth’s home star. Whichever form you’ve taken, simply lather the cream onto tough lizard scales or weak and thin human tissue. The vitamin E rich formula gets to work fast, leaving your external membrane hard, reinforced and radiant. Start each day with that “just-shed-skin” feeling!"

Why Baby Carrots Are Killing You

"Manufactured baby carrots are a result of taking all the broken and “ugly” big carrots they can’t put in the package, grinding them all up, processing them into the “baby” carrots and giving them a bath in chlorine to give them a bright happy orange color. There are also “Cut & Peel” baby carrots that are whittled into a miniature form. If you look on the package it doesn’t say “Chlorine”, because it was added as part of manufacturing and not added as an ingredient...”

Swiss Government warns against the use of Wi-Fi

Microwave radiation dangers in your home

Radiation (RF EMR) from Dect phone base station (Electromagnetic Radiation)

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Milk The Deadly Poison

U.S. Milk is far worse than most European Milk.

'FOOD MATTERS' documentary free screening online

'Food Matters' (1hr 18mins) is viewable here for free in it's entirety until November 30th: